
I get my fix at the crack of dawn. Three times a week, sweating and squating (among other things!) with the girls (and a few guys!). Not only do I get to discover previously unknown and disadvantaged muscles, but also build rock-hard friendships with my fellow boot camp mates attempting a proper 'burpie' at 20 to six in the morning! It's tough, it's fun(ny), it's a addictive... I got it ALL this morning!



I joined boot camp because I had to do something to change my life and thighs.  I don’t like the gym idea, so I thought that I would give boot camp a go.

After hearing only good things about it and how sore people were after their sessions, I thought that it must just work.  I have not done much on the physical side since leaving school so I was a bit apprehensive to say the least.

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It took me many years to finally admit that going to a gym is not for me – firstly, I have a full time job , a baby daughter and a household to help my husband take care of. I found it very difficult to commit to a gym going routine and I’d come up with all kinds of excuses to skip a workout. I’d often hear a colleague of mine rave about “BOOTCAMP” and it sounded great . A couple of weeks later I received the e-mail invite to join the next bootcamp. Now, to the average eye I do not look overweight but after my pregnancy I felt increasingly unhappy with my body and the shape I was in.

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To be perfectly honest the idea of boot camp was intimidating. My initial goal was four weeks, before a December holiday.
I argued, I can get my head around doing boot camp for four weeks and reap the benefits in the holiday.

That was then, now I am totally hooked.

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